As your score is less than 25, you seem to have great self-control. Your choices reflect that you do not get agitated in difficult situations and you are able to maintain your calm! Such an attitude and outlook are very favourable for spiritual advancement. By Krishna’s grace and your slight endeavor, you can attain perfection in this life itself. Through this course we would love to assist you by guiding you as how to dovetail your propensities and qualities in the service of Supreme Lord.
As your score is in between 26~50, you seem to have learnt many life lessons, by Krishna’s grace and hence handling life well. Except for few times where you feel stuck and become victim of your own mind or senses or desires. You know that some people are not good for your spiritual life but you don’t know how to deal with them. Or you know that some situations are not favorable for your spiritual life yet you can’t avoid it. This course will empower you to deal with crisis situations and also makes you spiritually resilient so that day-to-day disturbances stop bothering you! You have come a long way in spiritual quest, and this course can really give you that much needed upthrust so that you happily cross over the material miserable existence. We would love to have you onboard!
Your score is in between 51~80. Lemon when pressed, gives sour lime juice, and a ripe mango when pressed gives sweet nectarine mango juice. Life runs on a simple principle, during tough situations what is inside comes out! Though you control yourself to some degree but it seems that at times it becomes really hard. How am I supposed to behave when others are being mean? How can I maintain my equilibrium during testing times? How can I have satisfying relationships instead of being surrounded by toxic people? And how do I deal with toxic people? This course would provide practical solutions to all such bewildering questions and guide you in a way that leads to perfection! You would get stability and meaning in life. You would advance in spiritual life at a rapid pace! We will be happy to have you onboard!
As your score is in between 81~100, it indicated that at times you get stuck in dealing with certain tough situations or people. This course is specially designed keeping in mind your needs. It will cover various aspects like how to control mind and anger in provoking situations, how to establish meaningful relationships, how to lead a balanced life and yet progress spiritually etc. The course would assist you in transcending your short comings, which may act as a blockage for the spiritual life. We would be happy to have you onboard!